Is the skyrocketing life expectancy skyrocketing terrorism?

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The evidence is skyrocketing

Throwaway males were easy for the elites of polygamy to expell when the life expectancy for young males was in their twenties.

When throwaways from dysfunctional polygamous societies died like flies in their youth, there were few throwaways

A few hundred here, a few hundred there.

No problem.

Now, with medical advances, vaccines and meds, a few hundred have become many thousands.  World health organizations are keeping throwaways in tiptop shape.  Just look at the pictures of mostly males rampaging the streets of formerly peaceful societies.

The millions will be escalating into billions in the coming years.

The tens and hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied young males flooding the West is just a drop in the bucket with millions more to come.  

Can the world handle one phony conflict after another? Millions of troubled throwaway males? With loud whining and blame shifting and sniveling?  Grievance upon grievance?

POLYGAMY!  A rigid, brutal form of polygamy for the elites only, giving rise to the most unhappy people on the planet.


Throwaway young males from a rigid unstable form of polygamy that isolates throwaway males from females while they are growing up.  Gender apartheid is unhealthy at the least and is an important paving stone on the bloody road to terrorism.

Drummed up “conflicts” will result in MILLIONS of the most troubled males on the face of the earth entering the West while the elites are busy busy acquiring all the young girls for themselves.


First world medical advancements brought to the third world are increasing the life expectancy and decreasing the mortality rate, thus resulting in exploding populations of the most troubled and the most violent people on the planet.

One sided, cherry picked, historical grievance – the number one time honored terrorist grooming technique

Grievances multiply with time, and the actual truth about most historical grievances is murky.

History is written imperfectly, historical narratives are by nature one sided, and usually written by those who weren’t part of the original grievance.

There are countless historical hysterical grievances in the world today.

How a culture or a subculture deals with it’s grievances says a lot about their leaders

Does the culture use grievances to turn it’s most troubled youths into hate crazed thugs?

Terrorist groomers from the third world, first and foremost destroy their own culture.

Terrorism always destroys it’s own people

There are no winners in terrorism.
Only losers.
Only very unhappy people.

How a culture cares for it’s most vulnerable says a lot about that culture

How a culture treats those outside it’s tribe says it all.