hate mongering
blame shifting
one sided cherry picked historical revisionism
Any subculture that practices the laws of Americanizing, their cherished children will rule their world. With the world population in the most unstable areas exploding, it is time to remove all laws that undermine the powerhouse nuclear family and their nurtured children. The higher percentage of tribalistic hypersexualized fatherlessness in a culture or subculture, the higher the percentage of violence addiction and poverty. Violence creates poverty, poverty does NOT create violence. Removing all laws that create catastrophic fatherlessness and resulting unnurtured, frequently abandoned youth at a critical time in their lives, are the keys to turning the world into a peaceful planet of high functioning non violent residents. The jail cells will be half empty and the police bored. More than 80% of the world’s terrorist attacks take place in unstable tribalistic, polygamous countries where the population of fatherlessness is skyrocketing . Any culture (or subculture) that practices any form of tribalistic polygyny, is inherently unhappy, violent, unstable, low functioning and has higher genetic anomalies. The non nuclear turtle that trudges up from the pond behind my house lays her eggs, covers them with lawn, then trudges back to the pond without a backward glance
hate mongering
blame shifting
one sided cherry picked historical revisionism
Although the details are murky and lost in time, the ancient tribes of Israel practiced monogamy for centuries BCE.
What is fairly certain is that the lost tribes of Israel (who disappeared from the history books) practiced polygamy, thus miring themselves in sexual violence, the endless expelling of low status young males, rotting of the gene pool, sloth, and the increasing need for rigid control over the young girls.
As monogamy spread across the Western world, with it, diligence, self discipline, life long commitment to children, and attention to something besides sex.
The evidence is murky, but the case can be made that as monogamy spread across the world, slavery disappeared in 100 to 400 years.
Indeed, the entire polygamous world was engaged in various forms of slavery, and some of the polygamous world is still engaged in slavery in the 21st Century!
Did monogamy help end slavery? There are mountains of evidence that support this.
President Teddy Roosevelt outlawed immigration of people from cultures that practice polygamy