Author Archives: monogamist
Evidence that the nuclear family structure of monogamy helped end world wide slavery
What is fairly possible is that the tribes who practiced polygyny, thus miring themselves in sexual violence, the endless expelling of low status beta young males, rotting of the gene pool, sloth, and the increasing need for rigid control over the young girls.
As monogamy and with it nuclear fathering spread across the Western world, it brought with it diligence, self discipline, life long commitment to children, and attention to something besides sex.
The evidence is murky, but the case can be made that as nuclear monogamy spread across the world, slavery disappeared in 100 to 400 years.
Indeed, the entire polygamous world was engaged in various forms of slavery, and some of the polygamous world is still engaged in slavery in the 21st Century!
Did the nuclear family structure of monogamy help end slavery?
There are mountains of evidence that support this.
The nihilistic scourge of addiction and hypersexualization and all forms of polygyny and the politics of victimhood
Any and all forms of addiction and hypersexualization have been targeting the young and vulnerable throughout history, leading to an unstable adulthood which fuels poverty and violence and the politics of victimhood (elites controlling the peasants). The politics of victimhood never ever take responsibility for self created problems…………
All have been passed down from generation to generation.
Does the one and only weapon seem to be the nuclear family social structure? The nuclear family social structure doesn’t have to be biological or gender based but HAS to be adult nurturing protecting and caring.
Honest elections are CRITICAL to the future of any county
Corrupt officials hurt first and formost their own most troubled people who are used, manipulated by the politics of victimhood…………
Did George Washington bring term limits to the modern world?
In ancient times term limits have a long history.
Ancient Athens and Ancient Rome, two early classic republics, had term limits imposed on their elected offices as did the city-state of Venice.
Did George Washington bring term limits to America?
In the greatest genius move of all modern times that saved America from the tribalistic grip of permanent ruling class tribal elites., George Washington wanted term limits……………
Any and all young people need attention and gratification and rewards for good behavior NOT attention and gratification and rewards for negative behavior like looting and shooting and violence!
China’s success is not about totalitarian communism……..
China’s success is about it’s one or two nuclear, cherished children per one nuclear family.
Granted, there are problems with totalitarian control over the entire family, etc. But China’s cherished planned children are soaring with the eagles, not rotting in the gutters of the world. Many of China’s nuclear fathers are cherishing their children throughout their lives.
China’s gene pool is soaring with the eagles, not turning out genetically impoverished children.
These are high functioning children, unlike America’s troubled inner city children many of whom are abandoned by their fathers, and/or America’s inner city women who are traumatized, used and abandoned by the fathers of their uncherished children.
China’s wanted children are not fodder for the groomers of violence and one sided predatory hypersexuality who lurk in the shadows of every country on earth.
Wake up, nuclear fathers of the world, before it’s too late!!!
Asian-Americans scored higher than applicants of any other racial or ethnic group on admissions measures like test scores, grades and extracurricular activities, according to the analysis commissioned by a group that opposes all race-based admissions criteria. Asian-Americans scored higher than applicants of any other racial or ethnic group on admissions measures like test scores, grades and extracurricular activities, according to the analysis commissioned by a group that opposes all race-based admissions criteria.
Nuclear grandfather gets what life is about
…….An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life…………………
“A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy.
“It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.
One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, sloth, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.
The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.
This same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”
The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”
coming soon………………
I’m back
From two horrible bouts with Covid! What is Covid doing in Forest Lake??? Never had anything so weird in all my life
It’s pretty obvious that Covid and Covid’s descendants are here to stay and drive the whole world even crazier than ever……………………
I had both shots but still got Covid, once before and once after. My hair came out in big chunks both times, plus I couldn’t breathe well, plus my arms and legs wouldn’t move on their own. Other than that, I got through it ok!
How tribalistic polygamy rots the gene pool
There are a lot of arguments against polygamy from a spiritual, moral and philosophical perspective. But is there also solid scientific evidence that polygamy is bad for the species?
There’s no question that over the past tens of thousands of years of human history, polygamy has left a mark on the human genome that may indicate that small numbers of males must have mated with large numbers of females.

Over time, this polygamous pattern will spawn more genetic differences on the X chromosome than it will on all of the other human chromosomes. That’s because women naturally have two copies of the X chromosome while men have only on X chromosome and one Y chromosome.
To put it another way, problems arise because some men don’t get to pass on their genes while most women do.
Evidence of Polygamy in Human DNA
The evidence of polygamy among early humans can still be seen in our genes.
“Humans are considered to be mildly polygynous and we descent from primates that are polygynous,” Hammer said.
The term “polygyny” refers to the practice of males mating with multiple females. Among humans, it’s takes the form of polygamy or multiple marriages.
Even if people in the West don’t take multiple wives at the same time, men tend to father children with more females than females do with males. This is a practice known in the scientific community as “effective polygamy”.
But is it good for the gene pool?
Systemic polygamy Is bad for genetics and society as a whole.
But is it good for the gene pool? Perhaps not.
Not only is polygamy eroding the human DNA genome, it’s rotting away our culture as well.
Polygamy tends to create a multi-tiered society: Those men with power and money can take multiple wives. This puts them into a higher social class while men who can’t afford multiple wives – or even one wife – are assigned a lower social value.
When men don’t feel valued by society, inevitably this leads to an increase in risk-taking, resulting in even more socially undesirable behaviors, as well as the consequent increased cost of additional policing, private security, and government-sponsored national defense expenses.
Faced with the prospect of high competition with other males for the attention of fewer females and with little chance of obtaining even a single wife, men without mate can feel as if they have little to live for, which quickly leads to an erosion of personal values.
The resulting breakdown in societal order could be catastrophic and can include such direct consequences as a higher murder rate, an increase in violent crime, higher incidences of rape and kidnapping of women, prostitution, human trafficking, and property crimes.
Drug and alcohol abuse is also more prevalent among single, unmarried men – especially those with no hope of finding marriage anytime in the future – which further accelerates the breakdown of social order.
The bottom line is that polygamy is not only bad for human genetics, but human society as well.
Are open borders and population movement fueling catastrophic inner city drug problems…
Population movement may well escalate the catastrophic violence of the drug trade that appears to be keeping inner city youth from productive high functioning nuclear adulthood…
Only inner city fathers can lead their followers up out of the cesspool of drugs
All population movement must stop and all societies take responsibility for all their people

Americanize the Taliban and bring peace and prosperity to a systemic tribalistic society
Is the skyrocketing worldwide life expectancy skyrocketing worldwide terrorism?

The evidence is skyrocketing
Peasant males were easy for the elites of polygamy to expel when the life expectancy for young males was in their twenties.
When beta throwaways from dysfunctional polygamous societies died like flies in their youth, there were few throwaways
A few hundred here, a few hundred there.
No problem.
Now, with medical advances, vaccines and meds, a few hundred have become many millions. Health organizations are keeping throwaways in tiptop shape.
The millions are escalating into hypersexualized, unstable billions as we speak
More proof that the world’s critical escalating problem is escalating fatherlessness of polygamy/polygyny not racism and/or supremacism….
Why Systemic Fatherlessness is at the core of unstable societies, not racism or supremacism
Skyrocketing systemic tribalistic hypersexualized fatherlessness is causing terrorism, gang warfare, poverty, sloth, addiction, genetic anomalies, human trafficking, instability and misery. The population of out of control tribalistic fatherless cultures is skyrocketing worldwide. The higher percentage of systemic fatherlessness in a culture or subculture, the higher the percentage of violence, addiction and poverty. Systemic fatherlessness creates poverty, addiction and violence by destabilizing the economy…

The fatherless throwaways of polygamy are pouring over our borders
BETA MALES without women, without sex, without nurturing fathering, without nuclear families.
Fatherlessness that can give rise to terrorism, gang warfare, poverty, sloth, addiction, genetic anomalies, human trafficking, instability and misery.

Population movement is fueled by all forms of tribalistiic polygyny which produces escalating throwaways
Population movement is a catastrophe both for the inny and the outy
At least 1,500,000,000 plus believe in various forms of polygamy/ polygyny
Of those there are at least 1,000,000 polygamous unions equals 1,000,000 ruling class alpha males plus up to 4,000,000 wives (or more) equals up to 3,000,000 (or more) excess throwaway low status young beta males that must be expelled from their homes in their most critical years on the path to responsible, high functioning adulthood
More or less THREE MILLION THROWAWAY BETA MALES without women, without sex, without nurturing fathering, without nuclear families.

Definition of crybully
Death row inmates and nuclear fatherlessness
In 3 studies of death row inmates of ALL colors in America, most were found to have had a troubled childhood. Most of them had been repeatedly beaten by family members.
Most of them had been raised in homes or inner city neighborhoods where the illegal use of drugs was a matter of course.
Most of them had been exposed to hypersexual violence from infancy on up
The tragic quest for a nurturing nuclear father figure leads vacant eyed “lost boys” to soulless depravities of organized gangs, terrorism, and mindless violence.
Most street violence has been found to be done by young men without father figures. .
Studies show that more than 19 million children of all races across the country, 26 percent are living without a father figure in the home. In some areas, the rate is over 70 percent. More proof that tribalistic fathers are the problem, and nuclear fathers and father figures are the solution

Nuclear stepdads and nuclear foster dads needed – The toughest, most maligned and most critical jobs on the planet
Nuclear stepdads – The toughest and most critical job on the planet
The toughest job in the culture absolutely critical in many young lives
There are some great nuclear stepdads in the world.
Pinch hitters stepping up to the plate and hitting home runs.
As fewer and fewer birth fathers are there for their birth children, stepdads are playing an increasing role in the nurturing of youths
Time for a nuclear stepdad’s day?
Time to praise the disrespected nuclear stepdad
Stepdads not only are disrespected, but consistently maligned.
Stepdads provide financial and emotional support to their stepchildren, often while maintaining relationships with their biological children who do not live with them.
Stepdads are critical in the lives of countless at risk youths at the most critical formative years of their lives.

Youths needs nuclear father figures, not hypersexual groomers who are incensing young vulnerables to induced sociopathic acts.
Did George Washington save the modern world from permanent takeover by tribal elites
Did George Washington bring term limits to the modern world?
Greatest genius move of all modern times that saved America from the totalitarian grip of permanent ruling class tribal elites
The history of term limits is murky and reeking of political doubletalk.
The recent amendment of China’s constitution to remove presidential term limits, allowing Xi Jinping to serve in that office indefinitely is not helping the authoritarian regime’s history
the truth is not hate speech
Evidence that monogamy ended slavery wherever it spread
Although the details are murky and lost in time, most of the ancient tribes practiced tribalistic polygyny in various forms for thousands of years.
What is fairly possible is that the tribes who practiced polygyny, thus miring themselves in sexual violence, the endless expelling of low status beta young males, rotting of the gene pool, sloth, and the increasing need for rigid control over the young girls.
As monogamy and with it alpha fathering spread across the Western world, it brought with it diligence, self discipline, life long commitment to children, and attention to something besides sex.
The evidence is murky, but the case can be made that as monogamy spread across the world, slavery disappeared in 100 to 400 years.
Indeed, the entire polygamous world was engaged in various forms of slavery, and some of the polygamous world is still engaged in slavery in the 21st Century!
Did monogamy help end slavery?
There are mountains of evidence that support this.

Blame shifting
Do not fall for the time honored technique of passive aggressive blame shifting
Examples of passive–aggressive behavior might include avoiding direct or clear communication, evading problems, fear of intimacy or competition, making excuses, blaming others, obstructionism, playing the victim, feigning compliance with requests, sarcasm, backhanded compliments, and hiding anger.
Time to grow up, take responsibility and stop the endless passive aggressive tribal whining of blame shifting
Blame shifting is how the tribal elites have kept the underclass under control since before the beginning of history

Learn to recognize passive aggressive blame shifting in all it’s various forms
Enabling fatherlessness will have one result
The society or subculture that doesn’t nurture it’s youth is an immature, violent, low functioning beta culture that is unstable
Effects of Fatherlessness on Genetics
FFD = Fractured Father Disorder
also known as:
PTCD = Post Troubled Childhood Disorder
Post Troubled Childhood Disorder (PTCD) has been added to the official list of Mental Disorders. A professor of abnormal psychology at UC Berkeley, and his students interviewed 719 inmates on California’s death row. Another professor and his students interviewed 369 Texas death row inmates. Another interviewed inmates convicted of forcible rape and 2,118 child molesters in New York, New Jersey and Maryland prisons. All three teams also conducted meticulous studies on the background of each inmate interviewed.
Of the 1,088 death row inmates studied, all but six were found to have had a troubled childhood.
Most of them had been repeatedly beaten.
Most of them had been raised in homes or neighborhoods where the illegal use of drugs was prevalent.
The six death row inmates that did not have a troubled childhood were diagnosed as being hardwired psychopaths.
Of the 1,736 rapists, 1,679 had been sexually molested by numerous individuals during their early childhood. The 57 rapists that did not have a troubled childhood were diagnosed as being hardwired.
The contention that ‘rape is not a crime of lust but a crime of violence and power’ is DEAD WRONG. Rapists had either one of two motives. Some rapists suffering from PTSD were motivated by the beatings they suffered during childhood. Most rapists were motivated by a strong desire to have sex, and because of PTSD, they failed to exercise any self-restraint.
Of the 2,118 child molesters, all but 17 had been sexually molested in their early childhood. The 17 who did not have a troubled childhood were diagnosed as being hardwired.
Almost all murderers, rapists and child molesters were suffering from PTSD at the time they committed their crimes.
More proof that strong caring exceptionalist father figures are essential for young males to make the leap from lizard brain hypersexualized tribalism to adult manhood.
Wherever there is systemic violence, there is an absence of……………..
The steps to Americanize beta countries of the world is here, folks.
Time to climb up the evolutionary ladder out of the bloodsoaked cesspool of 4F beta fatherlessness and into the powerful world of nuclear alpha fathering
Is systemic fatherlessness responsible for most of the violence, terrorism, gang warfare in the world?
Feed, F**k, Fight, and Flee equals the F’s of lizard brains
The lizard brain is hungry, scared, angry, and horny
The lizard brain likes a fight
Instant gratification rules the lizard brain
There is no such a thing as impulse control for the lizard brain
The lizard brain is vulnerable to historical hysterical grievance and is easily hate mongered and easily demagogued
Status in the tribe is essential to the survival of the lizard brain which is why lizard brains fight each other just as much as they fight everyone else. All tribal lizard brain violence is sex based, the angry bulls fighting each other for sex. The beta lizard brains are easily demagogued so burning schools and killing teachers has a vital purpose.

Epidemic of systemic fatherlessness
Young men, who grow up in homes without a father are at a distinct disadvantage.
• 63% of youth suicides are from nuclear fatherless homes – 5 times the average. (US Dept. Of Health/Census)
• 90% of all homeless and runaway children are from nuclear fatherless homes – 32 times the average.
• 85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from nuclear fatherless homes – 20 times the average. (Center for Disease Control)
• 80% of rapists with anger problems come from nuclear fatherless homes – 14 times the average. (Justice & Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26)
• 71% of all high school dropouts come from nuclear fatherless homes
• 43% of US children live without their father [US Department of Census]
The majority of school shootings are perpetrated by individuals from non nuclear fatherless homes.

Tiger Mom claims Chinese women are superior mothers. Could it be due to the fact that China has practiced forms of nuclear fathering and nuclear parenting for thousands of years? Thus outperforming it’s neighbors for thousands of years?
Tiger Mom looks like she is a wonderful mom, but is there more to the story?
Hey, Tiger Mom, why is your culture superior?
Could it be the powerful nuclear parenting practiced by China for thousands of years?
Why is China leading the world economy?
Is Chinese exceptionalism leading Asia up out of the catastrophic bloodsoaked cesspool of polygamy?
The fabled work ethic that power monogamy brings to it’s adherants. “Tiger Mom” Amy Chua is known for claiming that Chinese women make the best mothers, but now she and her husband say that some groups are just plain better than others. Is part of China’s work ethic their powerful nuclear fathers?