The entire world appears to be divided into one or the other. The social substructure of a strong, nurturing father vs. the social subculture of the countless variations of tribalism

Any subculture that practices the laws of Americanizing, their cherished children will rule their world. With the world population in the most unstable areas exploding, it is time to remove all laws that undermine the powerhouse nuclear family and their nurtured children. The higher percentage of tribalistic hypersexualized fatherlessness in a culture or subculture, the higher the percentage of violence addiction and poverty. Violence creates poverty, poverty does NOT create violence. Removing all laws that create catastrophic fatherlessness and resulting unnurtured, frequently abandoned youth at a critical time in their lives, are the keys to turning the world into a peaceful planet of high functioning non violent residents. The jail cells will be half empty and the police bored. More than 80% of the world’s terrorist attacks take place in unstable tribalistic, polygamous countries where the population of fatherlessness is skyrocketing . Any culture (or subculture) that practices any form of tribalistic polygyny, is inherently unhappy, violent, unstable, low functioning and has higher genetic anomalies. The non nuclear turtle that trudges up from the pond behind my house lays her eggs, covers them with lawn, then trudges back to the pond without a backward glance
Open borders enable and encourage the evil and cultural destabilizing horror of human trafficking
Jobs that are vital to the inner city needy will disappear thus discouraging those most in need to give up job hunting.
Building the wall will save countless victims from lives of despair from both sides.
Time to Americanize the world and stop all population movement
Mama trudges up from the pond behind my house, after a one night stand with dad, digs a hole in the grass, lays her eggs, and departs forever.
The babies hatch alone and make their way down to the pond vulnerable, uncared for and alone in their world.
A gathering storm is rising in many of the most troubled societies on earth. With the world population exploding in many of the most unstable societies on earth the question looms…how to create peaceful happy high functioning societies versus unstable violent low functioning societies…
Guaranteed most if not all of the troubled violent teen gang members were missing exceptionalist fathering at the critical years of their development and turned to soulless gangs for leadership
…reported the mugging to the NYPD, but was told that even though ‘several people’ had been robbed ‘by the same teenagers’ the cops couldn’t do anything because ‘they aren’t adults.’
…..was also attacked by a trio of teenagers, but it is unclear whether they are the same suspects in any prior robberies.
At least two suspects in killing, males ages 13 and 14, are currently in police custody, and law enforcement sources say that the 13-year-old confessed to attacking the student with two accomplices.
It’s unclear whether a third suspect is already in custody as well, or still being sought.
NYPD crime data shows that the park……….. has become a hotbed of violent crime in recent months.
The road to nuclear exceptionalist adulthood is fraught with hazards but leads to happy peaceful high functioning adults
Blaming america for the world’s problems is classic terrorist grooming technique.
The excuse making elites are expert at blame shifting, thus keeping trouble under their control
Nothing will change until nuclear fathers step up to the plate, take responsibility for their women and children
Blame shifting via one sided cherry picked historical revisionism
Shifting blame to those who have nothing to do with said problem
Blame shifters never take responsibility for said problem
Isolate target, then hate monger, one sided historical revisionism, divide, discredit, and distract via blameshift
In 1964, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. predicted that America could elect a black president in 40 years or less. Implicit in King’s prediction is that such an achievement would show that racism was no longer a serious problem in our country.
read more about clueless elites who are ignoring the destabilizing structure of all polygynous subcultures who have a large percentage of fatherless youths >>>>–if-nirvana-is-the-goal-n2548114
Deaths from suicides, drug overdoses and alcohol have reached an all-time high in the United States, but some states have been hit far harder than others, according to a report released Wednesday by the Commonwealth Fund.
The report examined data in all 50 states and Washington, D.C., taking an in-depth look at 47 factors that have an impact on health outcomes, including insurance coverage, access to doctors, obesity, smoking, even tooth loss, and ultimately assigning each state a score. The data are from 2017.
Although the rates of the so-called deaths of despair are up nationally, the report’s investigators were particularly struck by regional differences in the rates.
“When we look at what’s going on in mid-Atlantic states — West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania — those are the states that have the highest rates of drug overdose deaths in the country,” David Radley, a senior scientist for the Commonwealth Fund, said. Rates in those states are at least double the national average of fatal drug overdose rates.
West Virginia had the highest drug overdose death rates, fueled mostly by the opioid epidemic. What’s more, those rates rose by 450 percent from 2005 to 2017, according to the report
At least 42 people shot in Chicago over Memorial Day weekend. ‘Unacceptable state of affairs,’ new mayor says even as severe storms kept people indoors
Time for every single father to take responsibility for every single youth.
Time to stop blaming others for self created problems that will continue down the generations until exceptionalist nuclear fathers take charge.
It is almost a guarantee that most of the participants had various degrees of fatherlessness in their lives.
A Mississippi mayor announced on Monday that he’s ready to spend thousands of dollars of his own money to get rid of criminals in his city, according to Newsweek.
Clarksdale mayor Chuck Espy said at a press conference that he is willing to relocate those who commit crimes with an initial offer of $10,000. The purpose, he said, is to encourage lawbreakers to start a new life elsewhere.
“They may be in the wrong environment,” Espy said. “So, what I’m saying as the mayor today, I will put money on the line to assist those type of people to move out of the city.”
The mayor said he is specifically targeting three groups of people, including “drug dealers, gang members and any wannabe criminals in the city of Clarksdale.” The hope is that they can find better opportunities in other places.
Espy’s moving assistance fund is part of a “five-point plan” that also consists of a no tolerance policy, preservation of lives, rehabilitation programs and intervention. The initiative builds on a corrective action plan that the city formulated last year to limit criminal activity.
Since 2013 China has been creating 55 billion tons of artificial rain a year. The country is now embarking on its biggest rainmaking project ever.In terms of the plan, announced this month, Chinese authorities intend to force rainfall and snow over 1.6 million sq km (620,000 sq miles), an area roughly three times the size of Spain.
According to media reports, the government will use new military weather-altering technology developed by the state-owned China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.
The country plans to build tens of thousands of combustion chambers on Tibetan mountainsides. The chambers will burn a solid fuel, which will result in a spray of silver iodide billowing towards the sky.
Vast amounts of silver iodide and other chemicals filling our skies??? hmmmmmmmmmm
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:
“darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that.”
Making excuses for darkness is enabling and will only result in accelerating darkness
The four Fs are said to be the four basic drives (motivations or instincts) that mammals are adapted to have, follow, and achieve: fighting, fleeing, feeding and fornicating. The four Fs were described as adaptations which helped the organism to find food, avoid danger, defend its territory. It has been long argued that adaptive traits do not evolve to benefit individual organisms, but to benefit the passing on of genes.
The days of tribal warfare are so over………..
Pirate attacks? Growing? Troubled vulnerable males growing up without responsible adult parenting??
In areas of rigid, draconian marriage, divorce and anti family planning laws. Leadership needs to focus on responsible adult nuclear fathering and responsible adult relationships.
Young men, who grow up in homes without a father are at a distinct disadvantage.
• 63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes – 5 times the average. (US Dept. Of Health/Census)
• 90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes – 32 times the average.
• 85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes – 20 times the average. (Center for Disease Control)
• 80% of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes – 14 times the average. (Justice & Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26)
• 71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes – 9 times the average. (National Principals Association Report)
• 43% of US children live without their father [US Department of Census]
The majority of school shootings are perpetrated by individuals from fatherless homes.
It’s not “racism”, it’s the fabled protestant work ethic, combined with 2 adult nuclear parents, children growing up with a nurturing nuclear father, love, forgiveness and personal responsibility and never ever blame others for self created problems
The school to prison pipeline is being fueled by the second worst fathering on the planet, NOT by teachers, police, the list goes on and on….
Time for fathers to nuclear up and take responsibility
One man (surprise, surprise, not two women) and two women in a ‘throuple’ gave a glimpse inside their polyamorous relationship, from how they raise children together to a candid description of their sleeping arrangements.
The three all have feelings for one another, and explained how they have each come to bond with the two other partners to form a ‘throuple’
Sounds all cozy and cute, but in reality brings immaturity, instability and hypersexualization. Almost guaranteed will end poorly, especially for the children
Mature, adult nuclear relationships that result in high functioning children needed.
24/7 sex is not what will result in high functioning young adults
hate mongering
blame shifting
one sided cherry picked historical revisionism
Although the details are murky and lost in time, the ancient tribes of Israel practiced monogamy for centuries BCE.
What is fairly certain is that the lost tribes of Israel (who disappeared from the history books) practiced polygamy, thus miring themselves in sexual violence, the endless expelling of low status young males, rotting of the gene pool, sloth, and the increasing need for rigid control over the young girls.
As monogamy spread across the Western world, with it, diligence, self discipline, life long commitment to children, and attention to something besides sex.
The evidence is murky, but the case can be made that as monogamy spread across the world, slavery disappeared in 100 to 400 years.
Indeed, the entire polygamous world was engaged in various forms of slavery, and some of the polygamous world is still engaged in slavery in the 21st Century!
Did monogamy help end slavery? There are mountains of evidence that support this.
President Teddy Roosevelt outlawed immigration of people from cultures that practice polygamy
Throughout history, in every culture on earth, the most unstable chaotic area is the area of young unplanned pregnancies that result in fatherless, unnurtured frequently troubled youth.
How to deal with it has always been a problem and always will.
A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back.
The frog asks, “How do I know you won’t sting me?” The scorpion says, “Because if I do, I will die too.”
The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream, the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown, but has just enough time to gasp “Why?”
Replies the scorpion: “Its my nature…”