Month: November 2015
At what point do the excuse makers of terrorism become terrorists themselves?
Polygamy is legal in Mali, thus creating an immature, unstable culture where troubled, abandoned, throwaway males are fodder for terrorist groomers
Terrorists take hostages at hotel in Mali
Polygamy is legal in Mali, thus creating an immature, unstable culture where throwaway males are fodder for terrorist groomers
Paris mass murderer is a very unhappy sociopath, NOT A “MASTERMIND”
Paris murderer is a very unhappy sociopath, NOT a “mastermind”
Paris murderer is being called a “mastermind” by the enablers in the media: while in reality the Paris murderers are very unhappy sociopath
Why are the passive aggressive enablers of the media calling the hate crazed sociopath of the Paris massacre a “mastermind”?
Glorifying him with manipulative words?
Glorifying him to troubled youths who are fodder for terrorist groomers?
Is it sexist to not hold women accountable for terrorist acts? Women refugees? Would terrorism take place without involvement and support of women?
Afghan children beaten daily in “schools of hate”……the road to induced sociopathy
A video showing an Afghan child getting beaten at school has given the issue much-needed attention after it began circulating on social media networks.
Although the video is short, it clearly shows a teacher beating a student with prayer beads. The child can be heard crying and yelling for it to stop.
Corporal punishment was still being used against boys in 100 percent of the classes observed. For girls, the figure was 20 percent.
“For most Afghan families, corporal punishment is completely normal”
……….. a schoolchild’s mother tell a teacher that she would be satisfied to see her child come back home with broken hands.
Many people think that a child who isn’t physically punished won’t end up being raised properly.
According to the Ministry of Education, any kind of corporal punishment is forbidden. But no one really pays attention. In the rare cases that parents have ended up suing teachers for beating their children, the teachers were never reprimanded. The cases always end up being resolved through mediation, and the ‘guilty teacher’ gets away with nothing more than a slap on the wrist. But at the same time, we mustn’t forget that violence is also carried out against teachers too. We’ve seen many cases where teachers have been attacked and beaten by their students.
We need time in order to bring the issue to the attention of society. Looking ahead, we need to use the media to convey to the Afghan public the severity of the problem, whilst also insisting on the fact that corporal punishment is forbidden. Both the teachers and students need to know that it’s unacceptable.
Only the fathers, father figures and leaders of the world of terrorism can stop terrorism
The fractured fathering and unnurtured, brutalized, throwaway males of all forms of tribalistic polygamy underlie all terrorism……..
Only the fathers, father figures and leaders of the world of terrorism can stop terrorism.
Leaders take responsibility
Demagogues make excuses and blame shift for personal and political gain.
Excuse makers and blame shifters are vital in the spread of terrorism, both domestic and international
Blaming France?
Blaming America?
Blaming Israel?
How about taking responsibility?
There’s a big difference between protecting oneself from homicidal maniacs and deliberately creating homicidal maniacs.
African country polygamous elites do not want their throwaways of polygamy returned
Surprise, surprise. The elites of polygamy want all the young girls for themselves! The throwaway young males who used to be sent into battle to kill each other, along with a low life expectancy that caused many of them to die, are now sent to monogamous countries to obtain females.
It’s getting harder and harder to send young males to kill each other. The young throwaway males would rather be on their Iphones….
African country polygamous elites do not want their throwaways of polygamy back
Stepdads needed – The toughest and most critical job on the planet
Stepdads – The toughest and most critical job on the planet
The toughest job in the culture absolutely critical in many young lives
There are some great stepdads in the world.
Pinch hitters stepping up to the plate and hitting home runs.
As fewer and fewer birth fathers are there for their birth children, stepdads are playing an increasing role in the nurturing of youths
Time for a stepdad’s day?
Time to praise the disrespected stepdad
Stepdads not only are disrespected, but consistently maligned.
Stepdads provide financial and emotional support to their stepchildren, often while maintaining relationships with their biological children who do not live with them.
Stepdads are critical in the lives of countless at risk youths at the most critical formative years of their lives.
World bank whines for money for climate change ignoring looming catastrophe
World Bank whines: “Climate change could result in 100 million poor”
Gender imbalance along with all forms of polygyny, results ALWAYS in violence and poverty and instability.
Climate change is chicken poop compared to the looming catastrophe of burgeoning life expectancy combined with uncherished, unnurtured, brain damaged, inbred, sexually deprived of normal relationships, induced sociopaths of the throwaways of polygyny. Gender imbalance of millions of males without females, throughout history, results in war, violence, slavery, rotting of the gene pool, instability of governments, the list goes on and on……..
“Climate change could push more than 100 million people into extreme poverty by 2030 by disrupting agriculture and fueling the spread of malaria and other diseases, the World Bank said in a report Sunday.”
Unaddressed throwaways of all forms of tribalistic polygyny can result in BILLIONS mired in out of control poverty
“Those who say that rich countries aren’t doing enough to help the poor said the report added emphasis to demands for billions of dollars in so-called climate finance to developing countries.”
Braindamaged youths are causing worldwide mindless violence
Studies also have shown that teenagers who use street drugs heavily grow up to have poor memories and also have brain abnormalities.
Alcohol and street drugs are frequently used together, thus multiplying the problems.
Laws are being ignored, and a few are singled out for punishment while the core problem goes unannounced. The big bucks behind the scenes go free, counting their money.
There are no easy answers. Street drugs are here to stay.
Nuclear fathers, father figures, and leaders are the only main solution at this time, and must protect the developing brains of the world’s youth.